Well & Water Inspection
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Microbes like E.coli and giardia can be found in any water supply, and they are only detectable with a water quality test. Our licensed well technicians test your water at your business to assess the quality if the water. You cannot see, smell or taste them in your water but they can still make you sick. The microbiological characteristics of your water can also change during the year. Ultra-Violet (UV) Light Machines/Sterilizers protect your business water supply from bacteria throughout the seasons. This is considered a permanent and safe solution to protect your water supply of bacteria. We encourage you to contact us to check the water for bacteria at least three times a year or to install a commercial UV Light Sterilizer for a peace if mind. Contact us today for a free estimate!
Canadian Water Inspection Services P.O. Box 250 - Station Main
Manotick, Ontario, Canada K4M 1A3
Tel. :